Local Offer - SEND. Poole Early Years Providers
At Broadstone Christian Nursery we support and believe that all children are entitled to an education that enables them to:
achieve the best possible educational and other outcomes, and
become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and ready to make the transition into compulsory education
How do you communicate with the parent / carer whose child has SEND?
At Broadstone Christian Nursery we believe that parents and carers need to work together in close partnership in order for children to receive high quality of care and early learning to meet their individual needs.
Here at the Nursery we believe in good communication with parents and carers. Communication can be informal and formal. We talk to the parents / carers at the beginning and end of each session and share information about the day. Confidential conversations are held in the office away from other parents and children.
The nursery has a whiteboard that stands outside the main door. This is written up at the end of each session / day to show some of the things the children have been doing, including what snacks they have had, as well as the letter sound and colour of the week. This helps parents to continue to build on their child’s learning at home. Parents are also encouraged to take a photo of the board to share at home.
We also have a daily diary sheet that we write on for those parents we don’t see at nursery. Our secure parents facebook page is used to share on going photos and information about the day.
Parents are able to request a meeting to discuss their child as well as attend the twice yearly parent’s evenings. We also hold once a term a free Family Fun day which is an activity morning in a local hall for the children to come and play with their friends, bring their parents/families with them and network with other families. Staff are there to talk to everyone and provide refreshments. It is an opportunity for parents to network and make new friends.
Six weekly All about me reports go home for parents to share with their children. The children are encouraged to talk about what they have been doing and who is who. The report identifies children’s achievements, next steps and suggestions on how home and nursery can work together to enable the child to achieve the next goals. There is a place for parents/carers to make their comments or ask questions. This report is based on a cycle of plan, do and assess. Staff then evaluate the child’s progress and identify the next steps.
Regular newsletters and emails are sent out to everyone.
Parents are able to contribute to our wow boards and write i.e. on a star or a leaf about something their child has achieved at home. These are shared with all children and displayed in nursery. Staff give positive praise to the child.
Prospective parents and carers can contact us via calling at the nursery, telephone, email or facebook to arrange a time and day to visit. More information can be found on our website.
Visits can be made during opening times.
Parents and carers will be greeted at the door and once signed in will be shown around the nursery by either the Owner or the Deputy Manager giving an overview of the setting, day, activities, Key Person system, support for individual children explaining how inclusive our practice is, times, availability, Government free entitlement and answer any questions they may have. We will also talk about the other Professionals that link with the setting. Settling in sessions are explained and how these may differ as some children may need longer to settle than others and how important it is to get a child’s first steps into a setting as positive an experience as possible. Finding out as much as we can about a child will help us organise the appropriate support needed.
An information pack will be given out. Parents/carers are advised to contact us if they require further information/ clarification or would like to visit a second time.
The Manager and Staff are available to talk to parents face to face or on the telephone every day during nursery hours. The manager will contact parents outside of hours if requested and as needed.
Texts and phone calls are made to parents as appropriate to reassure them their child is fine and settled.
Every child is assigned a Key person when starting at the nursery. Parents/Carers are able to communicate and share information on a daily basis with their child’s key person. As the nursery is small all staff get to know the children really well.
All Nursery policies are accessible in a folder in nursery and copies available on request.
A copy if our complaints procedure is on display at nursery along with forms for parents to complete. Ofsted complaints procedure and contact details are also clearly displayed.
Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s Key person or senior member of staff about their concerns. The Manager will spend time there and then in a quiet room discussing the concerns with the parent or will telephone the parent to arrange a meeting. These meetings are documented along with any phone call discussions and signed by both parties. Actions and investigations agreed and a feedback meeting arranged. The Manager will then investigate the concerns within 7 days.
All children are screened using the Wellcomm Speech and Language toolkit which identifies anyone with delayed language skills. The pack contains play based activities for practitioners and parents to carry out so that effective support is provided immediately and also identifies whether it is necessary to refer the child to a Speech and Language therapist.
How do you help children settle into your setting?
Every child is different therefore we discuss with the parents/carers the best day and time to invite the child along to nursery for a visit. Parents can stay or leave for the hour. Parents and child are introduced to staff and their key person. A child may need more than one visit before commencing properly at nursery and this is discussed with the Key person and parent at the end of the visit.
We find out what the child likes to play with or is interested in. The key person will spend time with the child exploring the environment indoors and outdoors as well as playing with something familiar to begin with.
Parents/Carers complete a form ‘what my child likes’ giving us an overview of the child’s likes/dislikes, strengths and any concerns they may have about their child. We also explain about the Development Review and 2 year old checks and how we work with the Health Visitors. The Health Visitors report may also identify concerns or a child’s individual needs.
Timeline on the wall to help explain to children what comes next. Children are supported with verbal reassurance about the routine i.e. one more snack time.
The nursery also provides individual, photo books for children who need support at coming into nursery and the routine. These are shared at home. A photo book from home to encourage children to come into nursery and talk about what they’ve being doing when not at nursery, building up self confidence and language skills.
If child has additional needs then an initial meeting will also be arranged with the nursery Senco to discuss what additional support maybe needed and prepare an plan.
The Senco will work closely with the child’s Key person.
What help and support does your setting offer to children with SEND as they move rooms or move on to school?
The nursery has children aged between 2 and rising 5 in the same room together.
We do not operate topic based plans. A child’s Key person gets to know their children. Activities are based around interests, areas of development. Staff plan ‘wow’.
Adult led activities each week to extend childrens knowledge and skills i.e. volcanos and lava.
We use a five minute timer both indoors and outdoors to inform the children 5 more minutes before tidy up time. This works well with all children as it is visual and also allows the children time to finish off what they are doing. Staff reassure children they can go back to the activity later if they want to during the day.
Staff challenge children across the seven areas of learning as well as encourage and build on the different characteristics of learning i.e. finding out and exploring.
Staff will attend transition meetings that they are invited to with the Parents/Carer, KeyPerson, Senco, and other Professionals. Any relevant paperwork will be discussed and handed over.
Once we know what school a child is moving onto we will invite the Reception teacher in to meet the child(children) and spend a few minutes talking to them.
We will sensitively share any school booklets, photos and power point presentation with children as well as read stories about going to school.
In the summer term we also introduce school uniforms into our dressing up trolley. We share Local and National School Readiness links with parents informing them of how they can help their child prepare for school.
How do you find out how each child likes to learn?
In our registration pack there is a form asking about children’s likes, dislikes, interests as well as words/gestures they may use to communicate.
We communicate with the parents/carers to gain more information and fully understand and respect that the Parent/Carer is the child’s and most important educators.
Information shared by parents on the half termly report about their child’s interest as they change on going.
Children are observed through play by their Key Person and other staff to build up a holistic picture of a child identifying eg their interests, language and communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, areas needing support as well as their achievements. Staff positively praise children and encourage them to have a go.
A child’s Key person will share any concerns with the Senco.
The Senco will seek advise as and when needed from the Local Authority and complete any relevant forms with the parents/carers. They will also liaise with the Health Visitor and Speech and language Therapists if needed.
Inclusive practice / SEND training and expertise within this organisation
Our Senco and other staff members have undertaken Local and National training and continue to update their knowledge and skills.
Good links with the Local Authority and other Professionals.
ALL children are fully included and involved in all aspects of the nursery. Independence is fully encouraged.
Resources are accessible to all children.
The Senco will work alongside the child’s Key person and family taking into account a graduated approach to working with children with emerging concerns. After observations and assessments have been carried out to ascertain what support the child may need, am Individual action plan with clear targets will be put together and agreed in conjunction with the parents/carers, Key person and Senco.
They may also include recommendations from the EYASENCO.
A review will be made every half term and next steps identified, as well as if needed liaison with other Professionals eg. Speech and Language Therapists.
All children are supported in a ‘learning through play’ environment both indoors and in our secure outdoor garden environment.
All staff are Paediatric First Aid trained. A medication form must be completed by parents/carers for any medication that needs to be given including an inhaler. Medications will be given by a qualified First Aider with a witness. Parents will be asked to read and sign the medication form at the end of the day to confirm the medication and dose has been given correctly. Copy of form given to parent/carer.
Medicines kept out of reach and secure from children. Clearly labelled with child’s name.
All accidents are recorded and documented on an accident form, shared with parent/carer and signed by parent/carer at end of session/day.Copy of form given to parent/carer.
Risk assessments are carried out at the beginning and through out the day in order to keep children safe. These are documented and any actions identified and carried out. When going out for walk around the local environment a risk assessment is carried out and in order that all children can be included additional staff maybe brought in or parents are invited to help and join in.
The information in this SEND Local Offer was completed on 25th May 2021.